A few minutes after the ladybug came the bee returned, but I tried my best to remain calm. However, I was unable stay calm when the bee came close, I freaked out and ran away. As I was running to find a new spot I had this feeling that I was running out on God, and I didn't like that feeling. I found a spot a good ways away from my previous spot and sat down. Not long after I sat down a bee came which reminded me that no matter where we go there will always be danger or trouble, we can't run from it. The fact that we can't run away from our troubles and danger reminded me just how much we need God. We can run all we want from the many trials we will experience through out our life, but they will always catch up to us. The only thing that can help us with our struggles is God and again all we have to do is ask Him to help us and He will. Like it says in Psalm 34:17, "This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all of his troubles." The Bible actually says the exact same thing in that same chapter, Psalm 34:6, and if the Bible says it twice in the same chapter then it really means it.
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