Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Learning Verses

I have been in church all my life and it has always been greatly emphasized to memorize verses, but I never truly understood how much of a good thing learning verse was. The other day I was talking to a friend of mine about a particular belief of I have that he greatly disagrees with. We have talked about this before, but I was never able to accurately justify it until that moment. My friend, who we shall call him Joe, said something to the extent of, 'every human being does this'. In response to that I quoted a verse right off the top of my head, reference and everything. It was probably one of the most outright acts of Christianity I have done in a long time. I will never be able to fully tell you just how good it felt to have the ability to refer to the Bible like that. Now every morning when I read my Bible I try to find a verse or two that I can memorize and stow away in my heart. Just like the people in my church did I strongly encourage you to memorize verses from the Bible and keep them in your heart, so that you can defend your beliefs no matter what the circumstance.

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