Most people feel that they can't live without a certain object, including myself. iPods have been around for awhile, but I hadn't gotten one until this Christmas. Before I got mine I didn't think that I would become overly attached to it, but I can honestly tell you that if I ever lost my iPod I would be devastated. I would not call it obsession, I would just be very upset if I ever lost it. It's crazy how we let material things do that to us. When we die we lose all material things, our iPods, the money, the cars, everything. So, why live for those things when we will only have it for a few years? Why not live for something more, something eternal, something like the God of the universe? Yeah, maybe that's what we should live for, a God who created everything. God has everything in His hands and yet He is head over heels in love with us and wants to have a real relationship with each individual. In my opinion, those two things alone are better than owning any and every material thing in this world.
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