Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bumble Bee Part Three

Once again I found a new spot which as near one of my friends , we will call her Jane. All of a sudden I heard the buzzing of a bee and I immediately prayed, " I'm ready God." Then the bee came and buzzed back and forth right next to each ear for about a minute. The bee would come up real close to left ear and then go around to my right ear, then stop for a second and start again. Finally it got to be more than I could bare and I shot up and yelled, "I can't take it anymore!" Jane got up and ran over to me and held me tight. We stayed locked in an embrace for a minute or two when we let go and I walked far away. I walked over 5 minutes and decieded I was far enough away that no bee would find me but as soon as I sat down I heard another bee. The second I heard I freaked out and quickly walked away. I ended up making it all the way back to camp and no matter where I went a bee was always there, the time the bee landed on me seemed so long ago. This is so often how our relationship with God goes, He protects us once but then we just can't seem to find it in ourselves to trust Him again. Like it is said in Zephaniah 3:17, "The Lord your God is with you, He is might to save, He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

Monday, February 25, 2008

Bumble Bee Part Two

A few minutes after the ladybug came the bee returned, but I tried my best to remain calm. However, I was unable stay calm when the bee came close, I freaked out and ran away. As I was running to find a new spot I had this feeling that I was running out on God, and I didn't like that feeling. I found a spot a good ways away from my previous spot and sat down. Not long after I sat down a bee came which reminded me that no matter where we go there will always be danger or trouble, we can't run from it. The fact that we can't run away from our troubles and danger reminded me just how much we need God. We can run all we want from the many trials we will experience through out our life, but they will always catch up to us. The only thing that can help us with our struggles is God and again all we have to do is ask Him to help us and He will. Like it says in Psalm 34:17, "This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; He saved him out of all of his troubles." The Bible actually says the exact same thing in that same chapter, Psalm 34:6, and if the Bible says it twice in the same chapter then it really means it.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bumble Bee Part One

I went to a retreat with my church last month and during it we were told to be silent and just sit somewhere and listen to God for one hour. I went off of a path and found a cliff where I could be by myself with no man made things in sight. I sat that for a couple of minutes waiting for something to happen, I didn't really know what to expect. All of a sudden there was this bee buzzing around and, I am very freaked out by bees. The bee buzzed around me in circles and I prayed to God to protect me and not let it sting me, and also for it to go away. Shortly after I prayed that prayer the bee left and I sat back down on the most comfortable rock I could find, which wasn't that comfortable. Then suddenly something yellow buzzed around me and it landed on my shoulder. I turned slightly and saw a yellow ladybug, I've never seen a yellow ladybug before and took it as God telling me, "I love you and will protect you." God wants to protect us, He wants us to run into His loving arms. All we have to do is trust Him, which at least for me, is the hardest part.