Thursday, May 15, 2008

God: Merciful Judge

James 4:12, "There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?"
For me that verse means that Jesus makes the final decision and He loves the people I care so much about so He's going to makes the right choice. And, no one will sway Him from His decision or influence it, nor is anyone ever going to be able to interfere with it being carried out. The reason for that is that not only is Jesus the Judge, but He is also the executioner.

Romans 9:16, "So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy."
What is in store for those people who I am deeply concerned about is not up to me at all. I have nothing to do with what happens to them. I can pray, plead, and cry before God for them, but that's it. I feel like a bystander in a court room running up before the Judge begging Him o have mercy on these poor souls, to spare them from the pain that I know all to well. I know it would teach them a lesson, but I pray they don't have to learn it this way. It's been over a year since I was where they are and I still feel and notice the effects of learning this lesson the hard way. Thankfully I stand before a merciful and just Judge who doesn't want them hurt anymore than I do. He's going to do what's best for them beyond what I can see.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


The following is a rant that I wrote when I was extremely frustrated with the actions of this girl I have heard about. Remember, these are my thoughts and my thoughts alone.

She can not trust him! He has already told his friend everything she has confided in him and it wasn't even that long ago that she told him!

He's ridiculous they both are if they think that confiding in each other will build their relationship. The more you put in to it the more you'll hurt when it's over. Confiding in a romantic relationship is really more for married couples, if you start doing that now you aren't getting ready for marriage you are practicing divorce. Yes, relationships are built on trust, but trust takes time and you have to get to know someone first. When I say that I mean knowing them as a friend for at least a year so that you can see their true character. Maybe she thinks she can trust him, but that's because he's putting on a mask to keep her. He acts trustworthy, but then turns around and tells his friends everything and they laugh about it. No offense to her, honestly, but she's an idiot in this sense and needs to learn a lot about boys and dating relationships. They should both read "Dateable". She is going to learn a lot though when he dumps her because she'll be so hurt. I'm going to start praying for her too.

How could he do that to her, having her tell him private things? He's manipulating her! That shows even more how inconsiderate, immature, and unchivalrous he is! Why does he even need to know that kind of stuff? He doesn't he just wants to and is being his ridiculous and selfish self! I really don't understand this; actually I think I might. He's being an extremely stupid and immature male who needs to mature and have a heart in God and not in worthless worldly things.

Girls like him because he says all the things they want to hear, but all that means it that he has perfected his words on other girls and they are empty! To him it is just a game and nothing more.

The guy I'm talking about in this rant admitted that the last paragraph was true. Now, I'm not saying that all guys are like this, I'm not saying that at all. All I am saying is that girls need to be extremely careful with guys and their tricky ways. Also, guys, it would be greatly appreciated by every girl I know if you wouldn't mess with our emotions, and that you would be very careful with our hearts.